Manga divided into many different genres and depends of the sex and the age of the readers.These are:
Shōujo (literally "young girl"), is manga aimed at young females up to the age 18. These series tend to focus on romance and relationships from a young female's point of view. It’s my favourite genre ^^ examples of Shōujo:
Paradise Kiss


Bokura Ga Ita

and Naruto

This kind of manga is for little children that are just learning to read. Kodomo translates literally as "child". An example is Hello Kitty

Josei is manga created mostly by women for late teenage and adult female audiences. he stories tend to be about everyday experiences of women living in Japan. Josei comics can portray realistic romance, as opposed to the mostly idealized romance of shōjo manga. Examples:

Hataraki Man

Seinen (literally "adult") targeted at an 18–30 year old male audience, einen manga is distinguished from shonen, or boy's manga by having a stronger emphasis on realism and also by having a more well developed storyline. Examples:
Death Note


Lookin fwd to your Death Note review!!
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